Listing of most Memphis Area frequencies with repeaters.
A list of repeater frequencies from Memphis to St. Louis, Memphis to Little Rock and Memphis to New Orleans. Provided by Marc Qwin AG5QY
RepeaterFreqs (pdf)
DownloadW4BS Repeater System Trustee:
Dan Fleek, AA4DF
146.82- (107.2 PL)
As the first repeater that the club put on the air, this machine is the anchor of the W4BS Repeater System. This repeater is well known for it's great coverage pattern in the tri-state area. It resides at approximately the 500 foot level of the 1200 ft. WATN (previously WPTY) TV tower on the railing of the top elevator platform located in Brunswick, TN in the northeastern part of Shelby County, TN. The move to this site occurred in July 1999 when the WPTY transmitter moved to Brunswick from Bartlett. The antenna and heliax were upgraded at the time of the move and the location on the tower was changed to West as opposed to South side on the old site. This greatly increased the range of the repeater to the North and West. The repeater was upgraded to a Motorola Micor unit with an ACC-850 Repeater Controller. The repeater is fed thru commercial grade duplexers and 1-5/8" hardline to a Sinclair SA-224 Antenna. An Icom FR3000 repeater with a CAT250 controller was installed in 2010. A new Sinclair SD224-SF3PASNM 6dB 4 element dipole antenna was installed on April 29, 2020. The coverage and reliability of this repeater was the primary reason that in 1994 the National Weather Service - Memphis office asked the club's permission to use the 146.82 repeater as the primary repeater for their newly organized Skywarn Program. The NWS Memphis office is responsible for watches and warnings for 57 counties in four states.
147.360+ (107.2 PL)
This repeater was put on the air about 2001 in an effort to take some of the normal drive-time chit-chat traffic off the popular 146.82 machine. It is a "no frills" repeater located atop Methodist North Hospital. There was an enormous amount of paging intermod at the original Methodist University location, but the Methodist North location seems to be relatively free from that type of interference. The "36" repeater first used a Spectrum transmitter and receiver. In 2011 the Spectrum was replaced with an Icom FR3000 with a CAT250 controller. This repeater requires a 107.2 PL tone.
The 224.42 W4BS repeater is located at Methodist North Hospital, one of the highest geographical locations in Shelby County. While the building itself is not that tall, the location, due to it's ground elevation, will afford good coverage for this repeater. In about 2016 a Bridgecom repeater was installed. This 220 machine is one of three on this band in the Mid-South area. Since early 2000s over 100 local hams now have radios for 220. The other major 220 repeater is on 224.78. The 1.25 meter frequency is probably one of the most widely used VHF bands in the Mid-South area.
443.200+ (107.2 PL)
This repeater is centrally located around the University of Memphis main campus in East Memphis. It originally had an ACC-85 controller, the forerunner of the 850, until a lightning strike made it unrepairable. Then there was a Motorola MSR2000 repeater with a CAT 1000 controller. Currently, there is an Icom FR4000 repeater with a CAT250 controller and a Phelps Dodge Station Master antenna, that provides club members a good 440 drive time machine. This repeater requires a 107.2 PL tone.
146.625- (107.2 PL)
This repeater, located on top of the water tower in Germantown, TN was put on the air in 2018. It is a Yaesu DX-1 repeater with a raspsberry Pi controller that allows for connection to AllStar Node 48342 and Echolink Node 363378. It does require a PL tone of 107.2 for access.
443.700+ (107.2 PL)
This is the newest repeater frequency in the W4BS Repeater System. The frequency and an old Motorola repeater was relinquished by hams from Bellevue Baptist Church in September 2019. The Delta Club put in a Yaesu DX-1 repeater on the existing 7/8” hardline and antenna to the approximately 500 foot level of the WATN TV tower adjacent to the 146.82 antenna.
This digipeater is located on Methodist North Hospital to increase the APRS coverage to the north.