The Delta Club Information Net meets nightly, execpt for the second Tuesday of the month, at 8 p.m. on the 146.82- repeater in Memphis, TN. Check-ins are taken in three suffix groups, A-H, I-Q, R-Z. If you are within range of the repeater, please consider checking in with us on the nets.
The Mid-South Skywarn Program is NOT a part of or under the direction of Delta Club, it's board of directors or members. The National Weather Service in Memphis has asked the club for permission to use the 146.82 W4BS repeater as the primary frequency for the Skywarn nets, therefore we chose to list it here.
Skywarn emergency nets may be held anytime a severe weather watch or warning is in effect for any county in the Memphis County Warning Area (CWA). The nets are a pipeline for the National Weather Service to receive and pass Skywarn related information from/to weather spotters and other interested parties in the 56 county, 4 state CWA served by the NWS Memphis office. The Skywarn callsign for NWS Memphis is WX4MEM.